Monday, July 21, 2014

Remember the turtle?

Dear Family,

How are you all this week? I sure do love you guys! 

Quickly, before I forget--do you remember when I was in Coffeyville, and I saw that turtle brutally killed in front of me? Well, this week the same thing happened...but with a dog. Ok, not the same thing. I didn't think the dog needed saving. But anyway, I saw a dog get ran over by a car this week, right in my front. Eck. Sister Ward just about died, too.

Family, you all are such great examples for me! I love reading Devin's emails (thanks for forwarding them, Mom!) and hearing about all he's learning. I'm so grateful for that Mom and Dad always share what you're learning, or something you're thinking about. My family is pretty awesome. :) I am SO excited that Dad and Sterling are doing family history and FINDING PEOPLE!!! That's my dream!! You guys have to teach me when I get home! That's so neat that you all went to Nauvoo this week. I looooove Nauvoo. It makes me sad to think that probably, I won't be able to participate in the pageant again until I have my own family, but I'll always treasure that summer we went together! Dad, you commented about how it was 4 years ago, and I...don't know. Realized how quickly time passes? Do you know, I arrived on the mission with 19 years. Now I'm 21. It's like an Elder's mission! Haha. Anyway. Let's talk about the gospel. :) 

This week was mildly crazy, but actually, that's kind of normal. Sister Christoffersen always said (probably says, she's still alive) that as true messengers of Christ we don't just believe in miracles--we depend on them. So as miracle believing missionaries, we work really, really hard to see these miracles. Which leads to craziness, so there you go! 

This week, we were working for a miracle baptism. Well, it didn't happen yet, but it will this next Saturday! Sergio and Serginho (remember them?) are really progressing these days! Sergio stopped drinking 100% 2 weeks ago, and accepted a baptism date for the 19th. But then he had to travel for work, so it wasn't going to work out. But he courageously spoke to his boss and told him that he had a "compromisso com Deus" (Sister Ward and I just tried to translate it, and it didn't work out. But you get the gist, right?) and asked if someone else could go that weekend. The boss said, "Cool! Tem que colocar Deus no priemeiro lugar! (Put God first)" but said it was too late. (Awww.) BUT! He could come home the middle of the night on Saturday! Just didn't work out. He got home Sunday at 5:00 p.m., so no baptism yet. But get this! He was reading the Book of Mormon on the bus the entire time! Woohoo! 

During this entire week of craziness with Sergio, we never managed to pass by when Serginho was there too. As a result, we didn't really know how he was doing. We got to church on Sunday, and Serginho was there. He told me that in this last week that he hadn't smoked at all!!!! Not once! Family! God really, really loves his children and answers prayers! This is a MIRACLE!!! He's a little more reluctant about getting baptized, but we taught them both last night about the Plan of Salvation and talked about the role of Christ--that it's not up to them to be perfect, and that we're truly only doing our best when we accept the help of the Savior. I remember a conference talk from last October, I think, that talked about that. It was really good. :) The spirit was really strong in the lesson, and he said he's going to try. He's been taught everything now, and now that they're both overcome their addictions, there's really nothing stopping them! Prayers welcomed! 

I wanted to share a quote I love with you all. I'm not sure who said it, but it goes like this....

"To believe that weaknesses and deficiencies in your character are unchangeable is to reject the central truth of the Plan of Salvation. You are not cast in stone. You not only can change, but you do change, all the time. You are a dynamic, changing, evolving being. You are always changing. You never stay the same. You cannot stand still. You are responsible to who you are and you are responsible for who you will become." 

That's a truth I love as a missionary. I am who I want to be! If I want to be a strong, powerful, missionary that trusts in the Lord, than I am. If I want to be the kind of missionary that talks to everyone she sees and takes advantage of every teaching situation, then I will be! To quote Elder Scott, "We become who we want to be by consistently being who we want to become, every day." 

Testifico. :) 

We are children of God. Our potential is unlimited, and only can be inhibited by our own expectations and limitations. So that's something I've learned. :) 

I love you all so much! Have a great week! 

Sister Fuller

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